NEWS 2025

X-PressMatter Group' IHPP PAS

Soft  Matter  Blog

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Discover the secrets of Soft Matter with us!

LINK The 3rd Polish-Slovenian International Seminar on Soft Matter _ INFORMATION

LINK The 1st Polish-Slovenian International Seminar on Soft Matter _ INFORMATION

LINK The 2nd Polish-Slovenian International Seminar on Soft Matter _ INFORMATION

 Please add /place the LOGO on your presentation or/and poster.

Captions under figures and tables according to the standard of scientific studies.


The poster should include in particular:

*title (font size above 30 points, in bold) - distinguishable from other elements of the poster;

*first and last names and professional/scientific titles of the authors with affiliations;

*specification of the headings of individual sections of the presented study;

*bibliography - font size min. 15 pt.

Technical requirements:

*the poster should be prepared in A1 format (420×594 mm);

*preferred poster orientation - vertical. Minimum margins from the edge of the poster equal to 20 mm;

*the poster should use a font (Times New Roman) - individual substantive parts should be titled in the form of 1-row headings of 30 points (bold), numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals;

*the base text of the poster should be prepared in a minimum size of 20 points (font of your choice).

Requirements for preparing a poster:

* 1. Popularization of knowledge, especially regarding Soft Matter Physics and the impact of High Pressure 

* 2. Promoting achievements of young scientists  associated with the X-PressMatter IHPP PAS Laboratory

* 3. Promoting knowledge about personalities of the world of science

* 4. Supporting co-organization/ organization of the "Show Yourself in Science" Workshop & International Seminar on Soft Matter

This WEBSITE was created to realize the following, main  GOALS:

Soft Matter systems have common features, such as the dominance of elements or local structures on the mesoscale, combined with their relatively weak interactions, which turns out to be sufficient to obtain a tendency to self-organize with even a small change in parameters. This additionally leads to extraordinary sensitivity to even minor endogenous and exogenous factors, e.g., nanoparticles and pressure. In the case of the latter, relatively low pressures P~1 GPa, or even much lower ones, can lead to phases/states with exotic features, often persisting after decompression.

Worth stressing, that for "classical hard matter" systems, a pressure similar to that at the Earth's core (~300 GPa) is typically required, and the resulting "exotic" properties most often disappear upon decompression.

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